About Player

We define the people who play music by using our musical score as "players". Please login as "player" to download music. It's FREE to create your player's account.

1 It's FREE

It's FREE to create your player's account. Some scores are pay to download.

2 Copyright

Our music is legal by Copyright law of Japan. Check copyright law in your country or regions to play.

3 How to download

3.1 Create account

You need to create account to download. It's FREE.

Player Register/Login

3.2 Free music

You can download immediately when your order is only free music.

3.3 Pay music

You can download after paying when your order is contained pay music.

*Please bear the fee for payment such as transfer fee.

4 Other

4.1 File format

File format is PDF. You can use from your PC, smartphone or tablet computer and print out through them.

4.2 Limit to download

You can download 2 times in week after paying.

4.3 Printing

You can limitlessly print out through your PC, smartphone or tablet computer within your personal use. However, to play, check copyright law in your country or regions.

4.4 Return

It can be canceled before your downloading, so please contact us before downloading if you want to cancel your order.

5 How to pay

You can pay through only PayPal on the region except in Japan.

5.1 PayPal

You can pay through PayPal safely. See PayPal
