Musical Glossay

The Farthest Castle of the Unknown World [Now on Sale!]

There is another world unknown to the Farthest Castle of the year 2014 All Japan Band Music Competition. It is not just a revised version or a rearrangement. You will witness the parallel world! →Full Score, Parts & some benefits


The belonging sound is a sound that is 5 degrees above or 4 degrees downward completely of the main sound. Having a great influence on music as an important sound next to the main sound. It is said that because the frequency ratio with the main sound is 2: 3 and it is very simple. The key word is a key whose main sound is a certain kind of belonging sound. Relationship seen from the main point to the last. One of relatives. It is a deep relationship with the main tone just like a belonging sound. In the minor, we will think on the natural minor scale, so in case of c minor, it will be a minor. A genus chord is a chord created on a genus sound. The chord which can be made with three sounds by overlapping every other constituent sound of the scale, the genus chord, the chord which can be made with four sounds, the genus 7 chord (the seventh sound counted from the belonging sound in the genus chord) A chord which can be made with five sounds is called a genus 9 chord (also on the ninth sound, that is, on the octave of the second sound).


For minor scale, use harmonic minor scale. Therefore, although the third note is higher by a semitone, the ninth sound of the genus nine chords (above the octave of the second note) remains unchanged.

In harmony, the function of the genus chord is called dominant, and its feeling that it is natural to proceed to the main chord is the function of dominant.


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