Musical Glossay

The Farthest Castle of the Unknown World [Now on Sale!]

There is another world unknown to the Farthest Castle of the year 2014 All Japan Band Music Competition. It is not just a revised version or a rearrangement. You will witness the parallel world! →Full Score, Parts & some benefits

mute, sordino

A mute. It is used to suppress the volume and change the tone color. Or wear a mute. String instruments, brass instruments, percussion instruments have different shapes. Depending on the musical instrument, there are various kinds, so if you have no instructions on which mute to use, the choice is left to the sense of the player. When muting is written it is written as mute, con sordino or con sord. And when you remove it is written as open, senza sordino or senza sord. In the case of a horn Beware of the difference with the gesh top style!


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独・仏・伊・英による音楽用語辞典 【改訂版】独・仏・伊・英による音楽用語辞典 【改訂版】
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