Musical Glossay

The Farthest Castle of the Unknown World [Now on Sale!]

There is another world unknown to the Farthest Castle of the year 2014 All Japan Band Music Competition. It is not just a revised version or a rearrangement. You will witness the parallel world! →Full Score, Parts & some benefits

sonata form

Sonata format, sonata

One form of shaping music. The basic form is a form consisting of a presentation section, a development section, and a reproduction section. Many things have intros (intro) or coda (tail) in this basic form. In the presentation part, that idea is questioned, and in the development part its skill is questioned. In other words, it can be said that you can not compose songs of wonderful sonata format unless it is real as a composer. CPE Bach, Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven are indispensable for talking about the development of the sonata form. Studying these songwriter's sonatas is still necessary to approach the essence of music even now. Originally the sonata is the name of a song often used for instrumental music in the sense that it "resounds". After that, it evolved into a form like present. The sonata as a song title came to point to the song that contained the sonata form (usually the first movement) in it. In addition, symphony is for orchestra, concerto often refers to sonata for solo instrument.


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